The Life Blog

Running Away

Running Away

They say if it doesn't scare you to death, then your dream isn't big enough.  As I stared across the abyss laid out at my feet, I knew this dream was big enough. The Rim2Rim2Rim, across the Grand Canyon and back, has every element that makes a run a nightmare.  It...

Cut Off: Tales from the Back of the Pack.

Of course I'm going to keep going.  I mean, I made the cutoff by three whole minutes, I signed up for the whole race and, darn it, I'm doing it! Awesome! Fifteen minutes ahead of the cutoff.  Now I can relax a little.  Yes, thank you, volunteer, I am fully aware I'm...

The Life Bus Philosophy in a Sentence

I don't really think I need to add much to this wise statement except that it is, in a nutshell, the spirit that drives the Life Bus. This quote was taken from a local coffee shop called the Wash Perk.  Every few days they post...


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