Adventures Articles

High Lonesome Trail, Day Four (Aug 8)

Wes and I scratched our heads in puzzlement.  Nothing made sense.  We had to call a mulligan on the GPS and get our exact point, but it still didn’t make the maps mesh with what we saw around us.  We pointed this way and that, wandered over one edge of the ridge and...

Road Trippin’ Colorado a la France

One of my favorite aspects about living in Colorado is the ability to share it with others. Sometimes, the fun of the Life Bus is waiting at the stop for someone else. When I first moved to Colorado, my friends lovingly (I think) referred to trips here as "Lynda's...

The High Lonesome Trail – Day Three (June 22 2014)

HEY!! I froze on my precarious perch. I was afraid to turn around, as much from a fear of falling as from what I might see. What I didn’t see--a gun--gave me great hope. Wes and I had gotten into a groove. Meet at the start point, drive separately to the end point,...

The Long Lonesome Trail – Day 2

It took us over a month to let the memory dull of the steep descent that would become our first ascent.  But a cool morning in June found us back on Highway 6 at the random trail sign that marked the end of Day One, heading back up.  As seems to be usual, the...

Yes, you can sleep like a baby while backpacking

I am the kind of person who can sleep anywhere, anytime and yet I have never been able to get a good night's sleep while backpacking.  Despite the extensive collection of sleeping pads I have amassed (5), I have until recently been unsuccessful in achieving my...

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The Life Bus Begins

The Life Bus Begins

Hello world! Welcome to the Life Bus! So I'm guessing you might be wondering what exactly is the "Life Bus?"  The Life Bus is a concept that grew out of a group of very close friends who collectively had that a-ha moment at dinner one night.   We were all talking...

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Where the Life Bus has ventured

Where the Life Bus has ventured

If you were wondering what kinds of information and adventures you would find on this blog, check out these photos.  They will give you a glimpse into the places we Life Busers have ventured and what kinds of things we like to do.  In addition to our new...

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