Maybe you can tell by the generous use of exclamation points and ALL CAPS in the title, I loved every minute of hiking...
Adventures Articles
Fat Biking Adventure at Devil’s Thumb Ranch: Keeping the Wheels Rolling in the Winter
Due to the lack of snow for most of this winter in Colorado, our fat bikes have been sadly collecting dust in our...
My Life Bus is Out of the Ditch and Rolling Again
Well hello world! Somewhere along the way, a few years ago which I can hardly believe, my Life Bus careened off the...
Running Away
They say if it doesn't scare you to death, then your dream isn't big enough. As I stared across the abyss laid out at my feet, I knew this dream was big enough. The Rim2Rim2Rim, across the Grand Canyon and back, has every element that makes a run a nightmare. It...
Mountain Biking and Micro Brews in Beautiful Southwest Colorado
Over Memorial Day we did one of my favorite things in the world ... loaded up the Life Bus with our dogs, Daisy and Clover, and our mountain bikes and headed on a road trip to...
Cut Off: Tales from the Back of the Pack.
Of course I'm going to keep going. I mean, I made the cutoff by three whole minutes, I signed up for the whole race and, darn it, I'm doing it! Awesome! Fifteen minutes ahead of the cutoff. Now I can relax a little. Yes, thank you, volunteer, I am fully aware I'm...
Big Rock Falls and Swimming Hole: Feel Like a Kid Again
Ever since I was a child I have wanted to swim in a pool below a waterfall. While I've had some wonderful experiences in life, this childhood dream has escaped me until our trip to Belize. Who knew...
My First Xterra Triathlon – A Bucket List Goal Getting Closer
A few months ago, I was in need of a physical goal to keep me from sliding into full winter hibernation mode. I had always wanted to participate in a triathlon but always struggled with the biking portion. As a 17...
Setting The Pace
I'm nothing if not selfish. Isn't life just too short to spend time doing anything that isn't bringing you closer to the Life Bus, or finishing off that bucket list? Work is compromise enough. Why would I waste any more of my life on anything that I just don't want...
When In Rome?
When in Rome. That was going to be my travelling motto. No spoiled American stereotype for me. My second great adventure took me scuba diving to Fiji. While there, my boyfriend at the time wanted to participate in a kava ceremony--an event that is suspiciously similar...
Celebrating and Surviving the End of the Mayan Calendar in the Belizean Jungle
As Todd and I were sitting in the canoe with our guide Jose, heading into a dark, narrow cave, I began to question the wisdom of what we were doing. By pure coincidence, our trip to Belize happened to coincide with the...
Living My Life
My cousin is living my life. The life I dream of. That dream I have during long, painful meetings where I've slipped the surly, golden bonds of corporate America and am living one crazy grand adventure after another. Last I saw him was Key West, FL. I had just...